
Call for Papers

28th CIAED - ABED International Congress of Distance Education
Rio de Janeiro - October 15-18, 2023

Hybrid Education and Hybridization of Education
The central theme of the 28th CIAED, which, however, does not limit the subjects addressed in the different sessions, involves applying, understanding, analyzing, developing, innovating, and/or experimenting with the mix between times and spaces, physical and virtual, in all its aspects, conceptions and possibilities, in open and distance education.
1. The congress
CIAED - ABED International Congress of Distance Education is a traditional academic-scientific event that has been promoted annually since 1994 by ABED - Brazilian Association of Distance Education, bringing together thousands of educators, researchers, managers, and other professionals working in distance, open, flexible education and, more recently, hybrid education.
In this call for papers, we invite authors to submit scientific research results, reports, studies, essays, projects, or proposals, in full, short, or poster articles, for presentation during the congress and subsequent publication in the proceedings of the event.
2. The works
After peer review, unpublished academic-scientific works dealing with relevant subjects related to distance, open, flexible, and/or hybrid education, and the insertion of digital technologies in education, in general, will be accepted.
2.1 Format
As of this edition, authors can submit articles in three different formats:
Full Paper
Full papers contain up to ten pages, including bibliographical references, with unpublished contributions and conclusive and significant results. They will be presented orally in thematic technical sessions during the congress if approved.
Short Paper
Short papers contain up to five pages, including bibliographical references, with essays, projects in progress, partial results of research and study, innovative proposals, communications on technologies, tools, methodologies, and/or innovative content. They will be presented orally in thematic technical sessions during the congress if approved.
Poster Paper
Poster papers, containing up to two pages, for the presentation of ongoing projects, partial results of studies and research, innovative proposals, communications on technologies, tools, methodologies, and/or innovative content. They will be presented in specific sessions, in a particular space on the exhibition grounds, open to all visitors, if approved.
The authors are responsible for making the presentation posters, according to the format informed when the paper is accepted, and for taking them to the event, with at least one of the authors of each work remaining next to the respective presentation poster, during the session. The “presentation poster” should not be confused with the “poster paper” submitted and approved. The “presentation poster” is prepared later in the poster format and used only during the session in the event space, while the “poster paper,” as submitted and approved, will be in the structure of a scientific article, with up to two pages, and will be published in the conference proceedings.
Important: All approved works (full papers, short papers, and poster papers) will be published in the Proceedings of the 28th ABED International Congress on Distance Education and made available online, with open access and DOI, provided authors have effectively presented them during the event.
2.2 Categories
Each paper submitted for presentation at the conference must be identified according to the following categories:
Scientific Research (SR)
It presents conclusive (full papers) or partial (short papers or poster papers) results of unpublished scientific research.
Case Study (CS)
It discusses a relevant case for distance education based on actual data and academic-scientific foundations. Full papers should make an in-depth analysis and highlight the study’s contributions.
Literature Review (LR)
It presents unpublished results on state-of-the-art conceptual mapping and/or answers to specific scientific questions through secondary research on bibliographic bases. For full papers, we recommend giving the research methodology/protocol for systematic literature reviews (SLR).
Innovative Experience Report (IER)
It presents and discusses didactic-pedagogical or management experience. This category is only accepted for short and poster papers.
Rio de Janeiro - October 15 to 18, 2023 - Call for Papers
Project in Progress (PP)
Research, development, or other projects related to distance education, which are not yet completed, can be discussed with the academic-scientific community participating in the congress. In this way, authors will receive meaningful feedback, which will contribute to their projects and the elaboration of future articles. The community can update itself and follow recent research and innovations first-hand. This category is only accepted for short and poster papers.
Communication (C)
Short or poster papers presenting products, services, tools, technologies, and other innovative solutions.
Proposal (P)
Short or poster papers presenting innovative ideas and proposals on any subject related to distance education can be discussed with the community participating in the congress. The proposal must adequately explain, justify, and ground the question.
Essay (E)
An unpublished current academic paper, with an opinion or knowledge organizer that discusses a relevant topic for distance education, presented as a short paper.
2.3 Tracks
From this edition, the works are evaluated and presented in separate tracks. Each track will have a sub-committee, which will carry out the evaluations and selections of the papers allocated to it. Each work must be nominated for a single track by its authors. Tracks 1 to 5 only accept full articles (10 pages) and short articles (5 pages). Track 6 only accepts articles in poster format (2 pages).
The scientific committee may change the track to which the article will be submitted if deemed necessary and at its own discretion.
Tracks and coordinators
General Coordination:
Romero Tori
Track 1 - Fundamentals and Epistemology
Paula Carolei
Leandro Henrique Magalhães
Track 2 - Methodologies
João Mattar
Daniela Ramos
Track 3 - Technologies and Media
Alex Sandro Gomes
Ketia Kellen Araújo da Silva
28th CIAED - ABED International Congress of Distance Education
Track 4 - Management
Betina Von Staa
Luciano Sathler
Track 5 - Public Policies and Regulation
Ilka Serra
Jair dos Santos Jr
Track 6 - Poster Session
Gley Xavier
Ivete Palange
3. Format guidelines for papers
Works, including figures, tables, and pre-textual, textual, and post-textual elements, must meet the following page number limits:
Full Paper: maximum of 10 pages;
Short Paper: maximum of 5 pages;
Poster Paper: maximum of 2 pages.
On the conference page and at this link, you can download a doc (Office Word format) with detailed guidelines, which also serves as a template to format the articles.
4. Work Submission
Work submissions are made solely and exclusively through the JEMS system. All guidelines for formatting and submitting articles, including an access link, a tutorial for using the JEMS system, and FAQ, can be accessed on the “Works” page of the CIAED 2023 website or through this short link: abed.org.br/articles.
IMPORTANT: We accept a maximum of 8 (eight) authors per paper. In the title and body of the article, you should not mention the authors’ names, institutions to which they are linked, acknowledgments, or any other information that may favor authorship identification. The submitted article will be excluded from the evaluation if this requirement is not observed. All information omitted when submitting articles, including any acknowledgments to people who contributed in some way to the work (non-authors) and crediting sponsorships, support, development agencies, and others, will only be included in the final version of the article, after approval, in preparation for publication in the conference proceedings.
ATTENTION: In place of each omitted information, put the following expression, delimited by the signs “<” and “>”: <omitted for blind review>.
Rio de Janeiro - October 15 to 18, 2023 - Call for Papers
5. Works Evaluation and Selection
Papers submitted to the 28th CIAED will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process, in which the evaluators do not know the identity and institutional affiliation of the author(s) and vice versa.
The Congress's Technical-Scientific Committee (TSC), composed of subcommittees responsible for one of the event's tracks, will evaluate the papers. The TSC is presided over by the president of ABED's Scientific Council, who will be consulted by the president whenever he considers it necessary.
Two doctors (or those with equivalent and recognized knowledge) with experience in their field and participation in scientific committees appointed by the president of the TSC will coordinate the sub-committees that will evaluate full papers and short papers. The composition of each subcommittee will be the responsibility of its coordinators, endorsed by the president of the TSC.
Each sub-committee will evaluate and select the papers to be presented in their respective track. At least three sub-committee members will assess each article, following the guidelines established by the TSC, with autonomy to develop their evaluation and selection criteria, provided that the general guidelines are respected.
The terms to evaluate all works are the following:
- Academic Ethics
- Respect for formatting rules as established in abed.org.br/artigos;
- Degree of effective contribution and relevance to the distance learning area.
The terms to evaluate papers self-classified by the authors as Scientific Research (SR) are the following:
- Degree of research innovation;
- Clarity and coherence of the methodology and technique of analysis of results;
- Coherence of theoretical foundation and updated bibliography;
- Articulation between objectives, context, and results;
- Clarity and correction of language;
- Coherence of the analysis of the results of the experiment/study.
The terms to evaluate papers self-classified by the authors as Case Study (CS), Literature Review (LR), or Innovative Experience Report (IER) are the following:
- Degree of innovation of the experience/case/review;
- Clarity in the description of the objectives and method for experimentation;
- Coherence of the analysis of the reported results.
At the end of the judgment process by the respective subcommittee, the work may receive one of the following verdicts:
a) Acceptance for presentation;
28th CIAED - ABED International Congress of Distance Education
b) Recommendation for presentation in Short Paper or Poster Paper format (there will be a deadline for resubmission in the new format if the author is interested);
c) Return to the author for improvements indicated (there will be a deadline for resubmission of the new version, which will be reassessed and may be accepted or refused);
d) Refusal.
We will automatically inform the authors of works that need corrections for presentation (return to the author for modifications) via e-mail. They must reaccess the submission system to make the necessary changes to the work within the expressly established period.
The deadline for correcting and resubmitting works will be seven days from the authors' automatic issuance of the correction warning message. Corrections requested and not carried out within the deadline will lead to the refusal of the work.
IMPORTANT: automatic communication between ABED and the authors will be through the electronic address of the author responsible for submitting the work, as registered in the submission tool.
6. Publication and Presentation of Approved Papers
Papers approved by the respective subcommittees and presented in an Oral or Poster Session will be published electronically in the Congress Proceedings, available on the ABED website under ISSN 2175-4098, and with an assigned DOI number to each article.
Approved works not presented by their responsible or representatives on the day and time defined in the schedule will be removed from the proceedings. We will publish an explanatory note in its place, with the respective identification of those responsible.
Additional Information
- A computer with a basic operating system, projection system, and internet access will be available at the place for the presentation of works in the Oral Sessions.
- Approved works will receive 1 (one) password for a 50% discount on the registration fee for the presenter of the work in the Congress.
- The authors retain full rights to their work published in the CIAED proceedings, with total or partial replication subject to indication of first publication in the proceedings of the 28th CIAED – ABED International Congress of Distance Education.
Rio de Janeiro - October 15 to 18, 2023 - Call for Papers
7. Schedule
1. Submission of articles (full, short) DEADLINE CLOSED
Submission for Poster Session EXTENDED 06/16/23
2. Disclosure of results. 5/30/23
4. Presentation confirmation until 6/15
5. Version in English and/or Spanish (optional). 7/31/23
6. Presentation of papers at the Congress. 10/16 to 10/18/23
28th CIAED - ABED International Congress of Distance Education
October 15-18, 2023 – Rio de Janeiro-RJ
Romero Tori
President of the ABED Scientific Council
Coordinator of the CIAED Technical-Scientific Committee (TSC)
Organizing Committee
Fredric Michael Litto - ABED
Alessandra dos Santos Ferreira Pio - ABED
Beatriz Roma Marthos - ABED
Mauricio Aguiar - ABED
Ozeias Silva - ABED
Romero Tori - USP
Waldomiro Pelagio Diniz Carvalho Loyolla - ABED
ABED - Brazilian Association of Distance Education
Page ( abed.org.br )
Executive Board
Scientific Board
Head Office:
12th floor, 875, Vergueiro Street - CEP 01504-001 - São Paulo - SP
Phone: +55 (11) 3275-3561
28th CIAED - ABED International Congress of Distance Education