Qualis - ISSN - 1806 - 1362


The Information Mapping Manual

This manual was elaborated by TTS, initially for orientation to authors of didactic material in several projects in SENAI / SP, Banco do Brasil, Treasury department and PRODASEN in Brasília, and in several other Brazilian companies. The manual also serves as base material for the practical courses on the metodology map,offered, periodically, by TTS - besides courses in the annual Congresses of ABED -. The content of the manual, very practical, totally in form of work "it helps the work" it is based on original works, in the English Language,by Robert Horn elaborated in the years 1970 - 1980, and with more recent updatings elaborated by Alexander Romiszowski.

Manual in Portuguese - PDF











© Revista Brasileira de Aprendizagem Aberta e a Distância
Brazilian Review of Open and Distance Learning

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